Sunday, August 3, 2014

The Cancer Fighter

Sunday, August 3rd, 2014

I woke up this morning a few minutes after 2:00 am, with so many thoughts and phrases about my mom running through my head. Feeling extremely clear minded, I turned on the bedside lamp, grabbed my pen and pad and began to write. The words just flowed from me effortlessly which didn't feel abnormal at the time.

I thought of the sight of my mom sitting in the waiting room under a warm blanket waiting for the daily dreaded treatment. I remembered the hollowing feeling the day I walked down that long cold hallway with her heading for her first radiation treatment. Recalling how scared I felt and wondering how scared she must of felt. The feeling I get every time I leave my sister alone during mom's chemotherapy treatments. Suddenly, my thoughts and feelings began to focus on my mother's strength and willpower. How she wakes up everyday exhausted but ready to battle. After I finished writing these thoughts down, I had a feeling of relief. It was as if my spirit was purged of all fear and that God assured me my prayer's were already answered. I turned the lamp off and went back to sleep.
Here I share with you something I cannot explain.

I recognize that spirit! The cancer fighter sitting in the waiting room.  Waiting to battle again today as she did yesterday.  The one who looks so frail and unable, but God says differently. The frail one walks into the windows of the unknown for the rest of us, but comes out and never fails. The warrior against the thing within. Angels spread her wings and sets her a sail. Not to never be seen again, but to be watched over from time to time! The strong one with wings larger than sight, flies by the direction of God and proves that life is worth continuing and fighting for!